Tagged: gmail Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Hugo Silva 12:39 pm on August 14, 2013 | Reply
    composer, , gmail, , , shit, ui   

    The new gmail composer is such a usability fail! Its like twitter for mail >_< time to ditch gmail! #fail #gmail 


  • Hugo Silva 6:39 pm on March 25, 2013 | Reply
    gmail, , , opinion, rant, sucks   

    keep away from new google products! just use the really essential ones (search/gmail/maps/adwords)! 


    google doesn’t care about your privacy, just check their imposed “new terms of service”, their self-licensing of your data on google drive, their push for real names or else on google+, their providing information for governments around the world, although legal, just shows you if you put all your eggs in one basket, that’s what you get! besides governments don’t always have your best interest at heart!

    google keeps changing the rules of the game, remember google app engine? i used to have 2 apps there, was a interesting testbed and something i could be interested in using (at the time i didn’t even use amazon cloud services), yeah they decided to change the system and payment midgame, just because, so if they do that, then how can i trust google to keep their word about anything? same with google search now instead of the best of the web its the best of the web+google products, or the death of a thousand google api’s, stuff people and business depended on!

    google doesn’t care for their users, with google+ and especially enforcing you to put your real name or it deletes your account (yeah i know, now it only suspends), it basically said, ok everyone has to sign up for this new product to get new shiny stuff because we are folding everything into it! but you have to relinquish your privacy, or else! but that trend didn’t start there, have you ever tried to get some support from google? trust me, you will find none, it will take you some hours to find a form and no one will reply back to you, ever!

    google doesn’t care for their partners and early adopters, these are the people you want on your side, people, well like me, that take the time and use lots of products, people that used to like google, but now, whats the point, should i care for new google products? hell google launched google keep this week a fucking rehash of a product they closed, remember google notebook! im not going to use it! and ill think long and hard before using any other! they don’t care, why should i?

    google does evil, trust me on that! they are no longer the poster child for the user and the web, worst they want the same wall garden they used to be against! the good thing is that competing products for their best products are getting better and better and will soon be true alternatives, why should i used the stupid google maps api for my app if i can use openstreetmap and i know its reliable cause i can take a copy for free for myself! instead of paying google i prefer to support openstreetmap!

    I know this will sound like a google reader is dead rant, but i had enough with google, after the google+ affair, this google reader shit just sealed the deal, see gmail and google reader are always running on my computers 24/7, now its only gmail so i really only have to move from gmail to get off my only real dependency on google, just as soon as someone makes a fully encrypted e-mail system, i’m off! ^_^ yay!


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